abuse of authority 《abuse of (one's) office [authority, power, right]》職権乱用{しょっけん らんよう}、権利{けんり}の乱用{らんよう}
it doesn't mean that people in authority 私が言いたいのは 権力者が思うがままに振舞えるようにしようという
in authority , mr . lincoln , will have a bad influence . 手ぶらで帰せば悪影響が 及びかねません
i need to speak with someone in authority . 権限がある人と話をしたいんですが
there can be a burden in authority , in vigilance , like a father's burden . おとなしくなる 特に捜査中は... 父親に睨まれるように
in collaboration with a person in authority , they fought each other to gain influence , and in doing so they improved their skills in so many ways that their family members and/or disciples formed new schools . 互いに技術を磨きながら権力者と連携して勢力を争い、一族・門人によって流派が形成される程であった。
the shoin-zukuri style was established for clarifying the social status orders of persons and for showing dignity of the person in authority in azuchi-jo castle built by nobunaga or osaka-jo castle built by hideyoshi toyotomi . 信長の安土城や、豊臣秀吉の大坂城などにおいて身分の序列を著し権力者の威厳を示すため、書院造が完成した。
in other words , the monks individually performed incantations and offered fervent prayers under close relationships with nobles and other persons in authority , which resulted in focusing on private lives in the residential facilities , to which they belonged . つまり、僧ひとりひとりが貴族など権力者と結びついて加持祈祷、呪詛を行い、各人が所属する僧坊での私生活に重きが置かれるようになったのだ。
fujiwara no motofusa , who succeeded fujiwara no motozane as family head of the line of regents , criticized this as an usurping by the ise-heishi (taira clan ) but this incident clearly shows the decrease in authority of the line of regents and the kiyomori family gained a substantial financial foundation . 摂関家を嗣いだ藤原基房は伊勢平氏による押領だと非難したが、この事件は摂関家の威信の低下を如実に表しており、清盛一族は大きな経済基盤を獲得した。
in the decision of the treatment of higashisanjoin fujiwara no senshi who became the first nyoin in 991 , the treatment of joko was taken into account to decide her treatment because it was an unprecedented procedure and it was necessary to rank her , who was the real mother of emperor ichijo but inferior in authority to the empress due to lack of the career as an empress , above the empress , and that became the precedent of the treatment of following nyoins . 正暦2年(991年)に最初の女院となった東三条院藤原詮子の待遇を定めるについては、まったく前例がない新儀であったことと、一条天皇の生母ではあるが、皇后の経歴がないために権威において一段劣る彼女をあえて后位よりも上位に位置づける必要があったことから、上皇の待遇が参考とされ、これがその後の女院の待遇の先例となった。